Mountmellick Irish Stout Hopped Malt Extract & Yeast Kit (4 lbs)
Northwestern Dark Malt Extract (3.3 lbs)
1 oz Willamette pellets
8-10 fl. oz. strong, cold-brewed espresso
4 oz. cocoa nibs
Boiled extracts for 60 minutes.
Willamette pellets in muslin sock added for last 10 minutes of boil.
Moved to fermenting bucket and topped to 6 gallons with cold tap water.
Cooled to 78F.
Primary – 7.8 Gallon bucket with airlock
OG = 1.042
Pitched at 78F
1 week at ~68-70F
Boiled (3) pint-sized canning jars.
Left jars 2/3 filled with boiled water, capped and chilled overnight.
Added 2-3 ounces of course-ground espresso beans to each jar.
Allowed to steep for 48 hours.
Secondary – 6 Gallon Carboy with airlock
SG = 1.022
Cocoa nibs & cold brewed coffee added
(I put a sanitized coffee filter over my funnel to keep grounds out)
1 week at ~68-70F
SG was stuck at around 1.022 – added champagne yeast with minimal (maybe 1 point) success.
In the future I will not use the yeast packet that comes with extract kits.
FG – ~1.022
Bottled to 2.3 vols CO2 with 4.5 oz corn sugar.
Bottle conditioned for 5 weeks.
Tasting notes:
Not sweet despite the high FG.
Definitely noticeable coffee flavors, but not overbearing.
Cocoa notes are there, but more might be nice.
A little metallic flavor, but not so much as to taste “off”. In earlier tastes this was more prevalent. Maybe this flavor will age out. (edit – a year later and it still hasn’t. I blame the unfiltered tap water that was used).
Very little lacing on the glass.
In future revisions I may tweak this one to make it slightly creamier using lactose.
Might have been better kegged and carbed with nitrogen.
All-in-all, I’d call it a success for a first attempt and just in time for St. Patty’s Day!
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